Thursday, September 3, 2020

Education and Weekly Response Free Essays

|AP/HREQ 3964 3. 00A †Equity in Schooling Human Rights | |Tentative Syllabus | January 7 |Overview of the course, Introductory |group development | |Lecture | |January 14 21 |Theory and Practice |Video, Class Discussion | |Readings: Levine-Rasky, 1-50 and Ghosh, pp. Video | |1-12 |21 Jan â€Å"Who Am I† Due | |January 28 Feb 4 | Construction of information, culture, |Feb 4, | |Readings: Levine-Rasky, pp. We will compose a custom paper test on Instruction and Weekly Response or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now 1-80 and |differences, hostile to bigot instruction |1. Gathering Project on Classism and training | |Ghosh, pp. 13-90 |Multiculturalism |by: Satnam,â Raj, Roshan, Janelle | |Feb 11 Feb 25 | Lecture on First Nations Education. |Feb 25: | |Readings: Levine-Rasky, pp. 42-182 |Feb 11, |1-Group Project on Sexism at school by: | |Weekly reaction 1 due: Feb 11 |2-Group Project on tutoring and First |Erica, Amie, Monique, Rozina Kailie | |Nations by: |3-Group Project on Schools, hijab and | |Thajiniah, Chris, |niqab by: Ashana, Victor, Sukhjbet, | |Aphiraa and Brittany |Harkamal Nancy | |March 4 11 |Lecture on Different Sexual direction |March 11, | |Readings: Levine-Rasky, pp. 82-212 and | |4-Group Project on Inclusive Curriculum | |Ghosh, pp. 90-164 | |by: | |Weekly reaction 2 due: March 4 | |Caini Csak, Jewel Perez, Courtney Crumb and| | |myself Nicole Pereira. | |5-Group Project on Homophobia at schools | |March 18 25 |Lecture on Educational arrangements, Human |March 25: Study Guide for Final test, | |Readings: Levine-Rasky, pp. 255-274 and pp. Rights and Equity |Course Evaluation | |307-338 |6-Group Project: The experience of Sikhs |7-Group Project on tutoring and African | |Ghosh: pp. 165-180 |by: Krystian, Ahmed and Lisa |students by: Rajbir, Jonathan, Dora | |Weekly reaction 3 due: March 18 | |Jessica | |Essay DUE 25 March | |April 1 |Final in-class test | Instructions to refer to Education and Weekly Response, Papers